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There isn't a much better feeling than a good deep clean and decluttering session, is there? That feeling of peace that comes over you as you look around and know that everything has a place and a purpose is exhilarating. It takes time and intentional commitment to keep it that way, but it is deeply satisfying. The mind is able to relax and focus when there is less "stuff" in the way to distract. Sometimes it is necessary to clear out schedules and weed out activities or commitments. This gives a very similar type of freedom, allowing one to be more productive in higher priority areas. Extras can, at times, become overwhelming. My planner tends to fill up quickly and I can overextend and overbook myself before I even realize it. I am discovering that this concept can be true in Bible study and my relationship with Jesus as well. I can easily get "too many irons in the fire," collecting too many good helps and rabbit trails as I go. Trying to keep ...