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Sometimes it is necessary to clear out schedules and weed out activities or commitments. This gives a very similar type of freedom, allowing one to be more productive in higher priority areas. Extras can, at times, become overwhelming. My planner tends to fill up quickly and I can overextend and overbook myself before I even realize it.
I am discovering that this concept can be true in Bible study and my relationship with Jesus as well. I can easily get "too many irons in the fire," collecting too many good helps and rabbit trails as I go. Trying to keep up with several studies at one time, for example, often limits my ability to really be able to thoroughly seek out the truths of any one of them. Often it is simply that my mind is all over the place as I read the Scripture. I am not focused as I read and study. God is helping me to clear my mind of distractions as I come before Him daily, so that He can really show me more of Himself through the Word.
Simplifying my focus brings so much joy and wonder as I learn more about my Saviour. As I look at a passage or topic, I am simply asking, "What can I learn about the character or person of Jesus here?" and "How should I respond to this?" Sometimes this includes a deeper study into the context of the passage, or a word study. However, the simplified focus keeps me on track and helps me to to glean meaningful truths.
Hebrews 12:1 tells us to "lay aside every weight" and then in verse 2 adds "Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith." While there is much more involved in these verses, these two goals are my goals for the New Year. Simplifying my focus by weeding out the superfluous and distracting and keeping my focus on Jesus brings such peace and fulfillment to my heart. May we all seek Him more this year!
Soli Deo Gloria!
❤️Heather Sparks❤️
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