Our bodies need rest. It is vital to our bodies' ability to maintain that perfect balance of well-being, physically and emotionally, also known as homeostasis. Kids need rest to grow. We all look forward to vacations, or days off to allow our bodies and minds a time to rest and reset. Oh, our bodies and minds can compensate for a short time of running on a low amount of rest -- but we soon crash or cause damage by ignoring signals that we should stop. Just like those little video game characters, when our energy levels drop, we must recharge before we can continue. We were created with a need for rest. God even gave us this example in the very beginning. Creation week includes the Sabbath day, where God rested. Was God tired? Of course not. He is all powerful and does not have the limitations of a human body. He was, however, instituting a principle for us to follow. He knew that we needed tha...