During this week between Christmas and New Year's Day, I try to set up my planner for the coming new year. Sometimes the planner is an old-fashioned paper calendar and plain old notebook. Sometimes it is a fancy, shmancy planner with all of the bells and whistles. Increasingly, it is more and more on my phone or tablet as certain apps help keep my spaghetti noodle brain somewhat straight. I set goals. I menu plan. I set up cleaning schedules. I revamp the chore list. I visualize all of the areas that I need to improve. I make lists -- endless lists. 😂 Each year I get excited about all of the great things I will accomplish as I look at the new and improved me that will be if I follow each of these goals out in the coming weeks. Sometimes some of these goals do actually happen, and I love to look back at areas of self-improvement. I have a moment of pride and pat myself on the back. I may even brag ab...