Born to Die
One Christmas memory from my childhood is of a particular Christmas cantata my dad sang in. The title was "Born to Die" and the theme song is burned in my heart and mind to this day. I find myself singing its words many times a year, but especially during the Christmas season. It is a beautiful melody and the words are even more powerful. As we prepare our hearts for this Christmas weekend, I encourage you to take time to think through the reason Jesus came. This wasn't just a vacation from Heaven or a time to check out how the mortals live. This was an intentional and pre-ordained coming of God to earth as a man who was destined to die a crucifixion death. Jesus knew all of this and He knew the anguish and pain that bearing the sins of the world would bring. He knew that He would experience the agony of separation from God as He did this. We know the grave didn't hold Him. Praise God! Jesus defeated death allowing us to live forever with Him!...