God's People
Humans are funny creatures. We are always striving for acceptance. To do that, we want to dress like everyone around us. We want our homes to be decorated to look like the decorating shows. We compare everything about us to our neighbor or social media posts. We want to "fit in." We want our kids to "fit in." This is natural. At the same time, we struggle to find someway to "stand out." What is that one thing that makes us different? Maybe it is a unique sense of style. Maybe it's a quirky personality. Perhaps you have an unique sense of humor. We find that thing and wear it with pride. Our culture applauds this constant tug of war between "fitting in" and "standing out." No wonder our teens are more confused than ever. Being intentional about our faith means we look at every area of our life and ask ourselves, "Am I representing Jesus through this?" This ...